Bryant Trinh

A full stack web developer


You can visit each of the projects by clicking on the thumbnail.

I'm Hungry:
A food web application that leverages the use of AI technology in order to create unique recipes. Users can add food that they currently have into their pantry, generate recipes using ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo API engine, and being able to save and modify those recipes.

Click to visit Github repository Github

An anime E-Commerce website where you can search by anime or by random anime, bookmark your favorite ones, and get top selling product suggestions from Amazon.

Click to visit Github repository Github

About Me

  • Completed University of Irvine's Continuing Education: Full Stack M.E.R.N. program
  • Languages and skills learned:

    • - HTML & CSS
    • - JavaScript & jQuery
    • - Node.js & Express
    • - Next.JS
    • - MongoDB
    • - MySQL, NoSQL, Sequelize ORM
    • - React
    • - Git
  • Graduated from California State University in 2017 with a B.S. in Kinesiology and Exercise Science option in Fitness
    • - Dedicated over 1000 hours in advanced exercise programs designs
    • - Health and fitness consultations
    • - Teaching prevention and care for athletic injuries
    • - Advocating nutrition for exercise and performance

  • Behavioral Therapist at Behavioral Health Works
    • - Designed programs to increase quality of life objectives
    • - Facilitate sessions with individuals to improve dietary habits
    • - Assessing patient condition and fostering positive behavior
    • - Minimize negative habits, monitoring progress, and provided individual counseling

You can view my resume by clicking the icon below

resume picture


You can contact me by either filling the form below or clicking the mail icon

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